FAO response to the Angola locust outbreak (2021)
The African Migratory Locust (AML) outbreak was reported in Angola in 2020 in the south-eastern country in Cuando Cubango. Since March 2021, high rainfall and abundant vegetation have provided optimal conditions for the breeding and multiplication of the AML. The second week of April 2021, swarms of locusts have been observed moving between Cuando Cubango to the Province of Cunene, which still is in the process of recovering from the impact of the drought, grappling with the economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and experiencing food and nutrition insecurity since last year.
Angola established a Multi sectorial Commission (MC) to coordinated the locust control and monitoring activities. The MC is coordinated by the Minister of State for Security of the Presidency, Pedro Sebastião, and the Minister of the State for Social Area, Carolina Cerqueira. The MC is integrated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Administration of Territory, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment, and Angola Army Forces. FAO Angola has been providing technical assistance to the technical working group coordinating actions with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MINAGRIP), the National Air Force (FANA), Ministry of Transport, Provincial Governments (Cuando Cubango and Cunene), and the Security office of the Presidency.